
America's Goals 2020 Report Card

America's Goals 2020 Report Card

America’s Goals State Report Card uses a tailored set of indicators to show every state’s progress towards America’s Goals for 2030. This Report Card visually displays each state’s score on a scale of 0 to 100 (100 meaning the Goals have been achieved). Interactive features allow viewers to navigate to Overall, Goal, and Target scores, and view a state’s full profile of indicators. Access the Report Card via this link, or click here for more information about America’s Goals.

2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report

The 2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report, released in July 2019, is SDSN’s third city-level report ranking 105 US cities on progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDGs). The results show that there will be significant work to do across the board if the SDGs are to be achieved by 2030, as cities on average scored only 48.9%. The report can be accessed via this link.

Sustainable Development Report of the United States 2018

The Sustainable Development Report of the United States 2018 was released in September 2018, and analyzes the baseline of the 50 US states on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report and corresponding data visualization can be accessed via this link.