Low-Carbon Transition Strategies for the Midwest United States

Low carbon transition strategies for the midwest.png

This report explores unique opportunities and challenges for the Midwest region in the broader context of the transformative changes to the U.S. energy system that are required to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to net-zero emissions in 2050. The scale and rate of physical changes to the U.S. energy system will be significant, and the Midwest will play a critical role in enabling a national transition. The implications of these changes to the region will be far-reaching, offering opportunities to grow new industries and jobs, as well as the chance to deploy climate mitigation and adaption policies that focus on ensuring an equitable energy transition.

There are two central questions about the Midwest region in this report: how does the physical energy infrastructure in the Midwest region need to evolve to enable a low carbon transition, and what are key decarbonization opportunities and challenges in the Midwest? Answers to these questions can support regional stakeholders’ efforts to develop a shared vision of pathways to deep decarbonization, and advance discussions in states across the region. This study explores these questions over three sections: the first section provides context about the national pathways to deep decarbonization, which provides the basis for a Midwest regional exploration; the second section lays out the regional analysis approach and provides in-depth exploration of Midwest-specific topics; the final section considers broader implications of the physical changes for policymakers and long-term planners within the region.

This work is the latest publication of the US Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project, led by Evolved Energy Research and US DDPP Director Jim Williams.