The Zero Carbon Action Plan (ZCAP) workshop will bring together leading experts to discuss key technologies and policies to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and simultaneously strengthen the U.S. economy. This workshop will dig deeply into the technical, political and economic nexus of the clean energy transition in the U.S. The event will be held on Thursday, December 10 starting at 1pm ET / 12pm CT / 10am PT.
During this workshop, the authors and researchers behind this groundbreaking Plan will discuss the key findings and recommendations to reinvigorate America’s energy future. We will also host a series of thought leaders who will discuss the various means of implementing the plan, at the federal, state and local levels.
Agenda (all times ET):
1:00 - 1:05 Welcome and Background: Moderator: Daniel Esty, Yale University
1:05 - 1:15 Overall Policy Framework: Jeffrey Sachs, SDSN, and Vicki Arroyo, Georgetown Climate Center, Georgetown University
1:15 - 2:00 Key Components of the Transition:
1. Pathways to Decarbonization: Jim Williams, University of San Francisco and Ryan Jones, Evolved Energy Research
2. Employment Implications Across the U.S.: Bob Pollin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
3. National Legislative and Administrative Recommendations: John Dernbach, Widener University Commonwealth Law School and Michael Gerrard, Columbia Law School
2:00 - 2:10 Q&A with ZCAP Authors
2:10 - 2:15 5-Minute Break
2:15 - 2:45 Pathway Forward and Marshall Plan for the Midwest: Mayor Bill Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh
2:45 - 3:15 Connecting with Thought Leaders to Advance Net Zero Emissions:
1. State Perspective: Secretary Kathleen A. Theoharides, Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Massachusetts
2. City Perspective: Shelby Buso, Chief Sustainability Officers, Atlanta, GA
3:15 - 4:00 Open Discussion with Audience